Name Hal
Species lab-engineered sparkledog shapeshifter; presents as fox-cat most of the time
Gender ???
Pronouns they/it
Orientation ???
Likes Puzzles, juice, revenge, SWEET revenge, playing
Dislikes PRISM Laboratories, the color pink, lack of enrichment
art by cbts004


“Wake up. Today’s going to be the best day of your damn life.”

Hal is a lab-engineered shapeshifting sparkleanimal taking the form of an anthropomorphic foxcat. They are the main protagonist of ACT 1 and the antagonist of ACT 3.


Hal's appearance changes based on their emotions, and how they currently view themself. Normally, though, they are covered in gray fur with rainbow stripes on their tail and "sprinkles" on their face. They have large, tufted ears, the inside of which are blue. Their paws and mouth are also blue. They have a reddish-pink nose. They have greenish-yellow sclera and reddish-pink eyes.



Hal was created as an experiment in PRISM Laboratories, and lived most of their formative years hidden from society. Hal is a prototype of Spasm, another lab-engineered sparkleanimal, and as a result they were consistently treated as inferior. They were ruthlessly bullied and abused by the staff at the lab, and even some of the other experiments. They mistakenly blame Spasm for the way they are treated, but in reality Spasm is also being abused behind the scenes — although Hal never sees this.

While still being actively tested, they underwent many experimental and often questionable surgeries, procedures, and experiments, for the purpose of researching shapeshifting and (psycho/tele)kinetic abilities in humans*. The experiments consisted mainly of testing the limits of their powers, but it was often painful and traumatic for Hal as they were harshly punished for failing to meet the high expectations of the PRISM scientists.

Eventually, Hal had a psychic tantrum that resulted in an explosion blowing a huge hole in the wall of the laboratory, allowing most of the test subjects and experiments to escape. Hal escapes as well, but they go into hiding. They begin to formulate a plan to get revenge on Spasm...




