PRISM™ is one of the greatest evils in Sparkleuniverse. They are a group of scientists researching the phenomenon in modern nature known as the "Sparkledog" and, possibly more importantly, their rare superhuman abilities, and how to take advantage of it.

PRISM's latest mission is to create a living sparkledog weapon by genetically modifying sparkle DNA. They went through dozens, possibly hundreds of prototypes before reaching what they considered to be their first true success. They have little to no care for the rights or treatment of this experiment's subjects, and most of them are killed after testing wraps up.

A prototype destroys most of the laboratory in an explosion caused by their psychic tantrum, allowing all of the remaining experiment subjects to escape. The lab's activity comes to a screeching halt for a moment. But only for a moment. Lydia (the director of PRISM) and XY (an experiment turned functional member of society, still trapped by the lab — working for them), do their best to clean up the aftermath and after deeming the damage to be too severe, temporarily relocate their operation.
