Gynx gains access to the internet and falls in love with rave music. He learns to DJ and hosts a mini rave.
Gynx learns how to make music and puts out his first successful album.
Morgan runs away from home, escaping her abusive parents but becoming homeless in the process.
Gynx and Morgan meet. Gynx discovers that Morgan is homeless and offers her a place to stay. They fall in love. Morgan comes out as trans. Gynx and Morgan become a couple.
Morgan breaks up with Gynx. Morgan moves out and spirals into depression while Gynx struggles with the sudden loss of his partner. Morgan attempts suicide.
Morgan hits rock bottom. She seeks out Gynx to try and make amends. They decide to just be friends and Morgan moves back in. PIPE DREAM SOUNDSYSTEMS is established.
Morgan starts having increasingly disturbing dreams. Morgan plays a pretty song on the piano ♫, falls asleep, and has the worst nightmare of her life. Later, she discovers that Gynx has been having similar nightmares.
After many sleepless nights, they each have a dream. Gynx's dream is SPARKLE SIGNAL. Morgan dreams of collapsing skies, shattered rainbows, glimpses of past and future, and something sleeping beneath the snow. Everything ends. Wake up.
Morgan begins to believe that dreams can affect the real world more than anyone else realizes. Gynx doesn't believe her. They fight. He loses her trust.
Morgan begins researching the "dreamscape". Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. She has devoted her entire life to figuring out the source of her nightmares.
Morgan, spiraling, builds a complex machine capable of connecting dreams and reality, creating a window to the dream world that we can view from reality. She presents her thesis to Gynx and Azineo - while Azineo seems interested in her project and motives, Gynx fights against her ideas, resulting in another argument. It ends badly and Morgan decides to become nocturnal in order to minimize all further contact with Gynx while she is living at the studio.
Morgan activates the machine on Leap Day. The dreamscape and the real world are merged, and reality seems to fold in on itself as a result. THE INFINITE POWER OF CREATION AND DESTRUCTION / YOURS TO REAP / MORGAN WEEPS.